Who we are

  Kobomedical was founded by Christos Koborozos and is active in the field of ophthalmology, neurosurgery, orthopaedics, dermatology and medical aesthetics.

The initial activity of Kobomedical focused on the field of neurosurgery with the navigator systems of BrainLab based in Munich, Germany, in collaboration with the surgical microscopes of the then house Moeller Wedel, based in Hamburg, Germany.

The activities were then extended to upgrades of existing linear accelerators in order to be able to perform stereotactic radiosurgery with application in oncology, etc.

Another focus of the company is the field of digital surgical room for seamless flow of digital information throughout the operations, as well as systems of inoperative CT and magnetic tomographs.

Our vision: To introduce the most modern and innovative therapeutic and diagnostic methods, based on medical technology, while supporting physician users with the appropriate tools and medical systems.

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